Oxymetholone 50mg

ANADROBOLIC 50 is a potent anabolic and androgenic drug. Oxymetholone promotes protein anabolism and rapid weight gain but has the potentialfor adverse reactions. Oxymetholone promotes dramatic increases in strength, muscle mass, and growth of new red blood cells.


Each uncoated tablet contains:
Oxymetholone 50mg

Strength 100%
Muscle Gain 100%
Side Effects 80%
Keep Gains 20%

clenbuterol hcl 40 mcg

CLENBOLIC 40 IS Very effective fat loss stimulant with anti-catabolic properties.

Each uncoated tablet contains:
clenbuterol hcl 40mcg

Strength 40%
Fat/Water Loss 80%
Side Effects 40%
Keep Gains 60%

Methandienone 10mg

DINOBOLIC 10 is an oral androgenic anabolic steroid that exerts its effects through the androgen receptor, resulting in increased protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in muscle tissue with dramatic increases in body mass and strength.


Each uncoated tablet contains:
Methandienone 10mg

Strength 60%
Muscle Gain 60%
Side Effects 60%
Keep Gains 20%

Fluoxymesterone 10 mg

HALOBOLIC 10 is Extreme strength increase. Beneficial for powerlifters with weight class. Zero water retention.
Strength 100%
Muscle Gain 20%
Fat/Water Loss 80%
Side Effects 40%
Keep Gains 100%

Oxandrolone 10mg

OXANABOLIC 10 is a well tolerated anabolic steroid with very low hepatotoxicity. It promotes anabolism with a very low incidence of adverse
reactions. Oxanomed promotes improvements in strength and quality increases in muscle mass. Oxanomed has also been demonstrated to significantly enhance body fat reduction.

Each uncoated tablet contains:
Oxandrolone 10mg

Strength 60%
Muscle Gain 40%
Fat/Water Loss 60%
Side Effects 40%
Keep Gains 100%

Mesterolone 25 mg

PROVIRON 25 is the brand name of Mesterolone which was developed medically to treat hypogonadism in men which causes low testosterone. Although it is sometimes loosely considered to be an AAS (androgen and anabolic steroid), it contains little anabolic capacity and so has only weak anabolic benefits.

Each uncoated tablet contains:
Mesterolone 25 mg

Test Boost 60%

Stanozolol 10 mg

STANOBOLIC 10 is an oral androgenic anabolic steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Stanozolol promotes increased nitrogen retention and protein synthesis in muscle tissue. Stanozol 10 has strong anabolic and moderate androgenic action. Stanozolol will not create water retention and will also reduce SHBG increasing free testosterone levels.


Each uncoated tablet contains:
Stanozolol 10mg

Strength 60%
Muscle Gain 40%
Fat/Water Loss 60%
Side Effects 60%
Keep Gains 60%

Thyrobolic 25
Liothyronine sodium 25 mcg

Promotes extreme fat loss highly stimulates thermogenesis. Enhance energy levels.
Strength 20%
Fat/Water Loss 100%
Side Effects 100%
Keep Gains 40%

Stanozolol 10 mg

STANOBOLIC 10 is an oral androgenic anabolic steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Stanozolol promotes increased nitrogen retention and protein synthesis in muscle tissue. Stanozol 10 has strong anabolic and moderate androgenic action. Stanozolol will not create water retention and will also reduce SHBG increasing free testosterone levels.


Each uncoated tablet contains:
Stanozolol 10mg

Strength 60%
Muscle Gain 40%
Fat/Water Loss 60%
Side Effects 60%
Keep Gains 60%


TURINABOLIC 10 is an anabolic steroid for oral use. It promotes anabolism through androgen receptor activity and is strongly anabolic and moderately androgenic.
TURINABOLIC 10 produces moderate increases in strength and muscle mass.
TURINABOLIC 10 also will not produce many of the side effects such as water retention.


Each uncoated tablet contains: 10 mg

4-Chlorodehydromethyl 10mg

Strength 80%
Muscle Gain 80%
Fat/Water Loss 20%
Side Effects 60%
Keep Gains 40%

Yohimbine HCL

yohimbine HCL one of the proven and best fat loss conditioners to accelerate fat burning. It can boost your metabolism, improve your exercise performance, and help you lose antioxidant fats faster. The main feature of tenacious and yohimbine’s interest for burning fat is that it is an alpha-2-receptor antagonist.
Each uncoated tablet contains:

Yohimbine HCL 2mg

Strength 40%
Fat/Water Loss 80%
Keep Gains 20%